From Brazil to the Tattoo World

Born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Hudson Mateus didn’t grow up with early exposure to tattoos, but his passion for art and creativity was evident from a young age. “I loved drawing, art, and any creative process since childhood,” he recalls. At 21, he made a life-changing decision to move to the capital of his state, where he began his tattoo apprenticeship. Now, 11 years into his career, Hudson continues to leave his mark on the tattoo world.

The Path to Mastery: A Challenging Start

When asked if learning to tattoo came naturally, Hudson admits that it wasn’t easy. “It was difficult at first to achieve a satisfactory result for me,” he shares. His journey to mastering the craft involved countless hours of practice and a continuous desire to improve. “I am constantly growing and analyzing my work to always improve the quality of my tattoos.”

Passion That Endures

Hudson’s love for tattooing hasn’t waned since he first picked up a tattoo machine. “I have a lot of love and respect for the art of tattooing,” he says. Whether it’s the creative process, the client’s reaction to the final piece, or the possibilities of colors and details, Hudson finds joy in every aspect of his work. “I really love doing this.”

Embracing the Traditional Style

When it comes to defining his tattoo style, Hudson gravitates toward Traditional/Oldschool designs. “I like to reinterpret classic tattoo designs, incorporating elements of my own work and traditional oldschool colors,” he explains. For Hudson, this style represents a timeless and solid foundation that will always have a place in the tattoo community.

The Creative Process: From Idea to Art

Hudson’s design process begins with listening closely to his clients’ ideas, striving to meet their expectations. “I always look for references in art, movies, or photography,” he says, highlighting the importance of inspiration in his work. While he enjoys experimenting with colors, Hudson also has a deep appreciation for black and gray art, where he focuses on contrasts and lighting to bring his designs to life.

The Challenge of Simplicity

Mastering the techniques of Traditional/Oldschool tattooing comes with its own set of challenges. “The most difficult is the simple,” Hudson notes. Achieving a solid, bold, and continuous line may seem straightforward, but perfecting it without relying on shading to cover defects is incredibly challenging. The same goes for creating homogeneous shading or solid, vibrant colors. “A beautiful tattoo needs to be pretty from near and far.”

Tattooing for All Skin Tones

Hudson places great importance on creating designs that work well on all skin tones. “It is often easy to tattoo a young white person,” he says, noting that tattooing on darker skin tones or on older clients with varying skin textures requires special consideration. “The colors also need to be planned because not all colors work on all skin tones. We need to find something that looks beautiful on all people, each with their own characteristics.”

The Satisfaction of Creation

For Hudson, the most satisfying part of the tattooing process is the designing phase. “There are so many possibilities with shapes and colors,” he explains. Every detail in a design can completely alter the perception of the art, and it’s this creative exploration that Hudson finds most fulfilling.

Looking Ahead: Growth Through Experience

Hudson’s journey as an artist is far from over. He plans to expand his horizons by attending tattoo conventions, meeting artists from different styles, and learning new techniques. “Traveling and experiencing new cultures will contribute to my personal growth and as an artist,” he believes. Hudson’s passion for tattooing continues to drive him forward, always seeking new ways to evolve in his craft.

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