Tattoo studio's

No show fixers

TG asks your booked customer, via an automated e-mail the following questions:

Do you want to take an earlier place if we have a no-show?

Do you want to take an earlier place if we have a cancellation?

What days or moments of the week are you available?


Easily draw a list of customers who want to take those earlier place in the moment you need it!

Your clients get asked if they want to come earlier if the opportunity happens.

TG sends an automated e-mail to every customer that made a new booking.
In that e-mail we ask to confirm by paying a deposit through online payment.

When the customer clicks on the button to pay a deposit, after successful payment we ask a few more questions.


Do you want to come earlier if a no-show happens?

The customer who just paid his deposit for a future booking can indicate online (after paying deposit) if he/she is interested to take an earlier date in case the opportunity happens.

Customers who can take a place when a no-show happens are the ones that can jump in their car and be there in 30 minutes or so.

Do you want to come earlier if a cancellation happens?

The customer who just paid his deposit for a future booking can also indicate online (after paying deposit) he/she is interested to take an earlier date in case there is an cancellation from an other client.

Customers who want to take an earlier spot in case you have a cancellation are the ones who need at least one day of notice to make themselves available for you.


Replacing customers work situation

When a customer indicates they want to take an earlier place if a cancellation or no-show happens, TG then also asks this customer what their work schedule is.
Eg. ‘I’m available every Thursday and Friday’, or ‘I’m available everyday after 14h’.

Draw a list

In the rare case of a no-show, or cancellation, you can now draw a list of your no-show fixers.
This list will show all customers that indicated they want to take a place if one becomes available earlier.
TG also sends out SMS or e-mail reminders to your customers 24h before their appointment. (or how many hours you prefer).
Both of these measures already drop your no-show rate significantly.

This makes you know instantly on what days you can make a booking for this artist.

In the screenshot below you can see all customers for artist Dmitriy that indicated they want to come earlier if there’s a cancellation, and who have appointments in the future.

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